WhatGloZell Greenhas to say about my book "Attracting A Specific Person". A foreword for my book is written by GloZell Green- a top-rated entertainer & Internet sensation who interviewed countless famous personality including the former President Barack Obama. She has got over 4.7M subscribers on Youtube.
Available on Amazon. This book can light the fire of strong self-belief regarding attracting your specific person for a committed relationship using the law of attraction and soul energy. You can be a limitless being once you apply the law of attraction and access your soul energy. I have dissected the term specific person into three case scenarios that are specific and clear to everyone as per their situation or case scenario. When you go through this book, you will learn how to: *Attract a specific person whom you don’t know yet. *Attract a specific person whom you know personally or indirectly. *Heal your wounded self after a breakup and discover your self-identity. *Attract your ex back.