![]() When a romantic relationship turns into an emotionally devastating breakup, a storm of emotions starts to flow into your life in a destructive way. A breakup is one of the most traumatic events in life that can devastate you to the core of your being. It is a very challenging task to recover, cope, and move on after experiencing an emotionally traumatic breakup. A traumatic event like a breakup has a huge impact on the beliefs we have about ourselves, whether we realize it or not. When you experience an emotionally traumatic breakup in your relationship life, you start to feel like your life is over, and your perception about manifesting a vibrant relationship seems impossible in that state of your being. You need some time and space to deal with the emotional storms caused by a devastating breakup. You can’t heal your emotional wound if you continue your relationship with your ex as friends with benefits or in any other casual type of relationship.
Never punish yourself, and never jump into a new relationship instantly after experiencing a traumatic breakup. The majority of people force themselves to jump into a new relationship instantly to bridge their emotional gap, which is not the wise and mature way to deal with emotional storms. Never look for temporary adjustments to your emotional issues and internal issues; rather, focus on your healing process. There are 16 action steps below that can help you heal your wounded self, let go of your ex, discover the best version of yourself, and move on with freedom and peace in your life. 1. Detach yourself completely from your ex or things that are related to your ex. You have to detach yourself completely from your ex in every way possible during the healing process. You need some time and space to work on yourself in order to heal your wounded self. You must disconnect yourself from your ex on all social media platforms, delete all the pictures of your ex from your mobile phone or laptop, throw out or hide all the physical gifts your ex gave you, and erase their mobile number permanently without any hesitation. When you see their stuff every day, it will keep occupying your mind in a negative manner. The flood of negative emotions can destroy your life if you become occupied by the romantic chemistry you had with your ex or the physical things given to you by your ex that exist around you. Once you detach yourself completely from your ex or things that relate to your ex, you'll be in a perfect situation to focus on your personal and emotional well-being and discover the best version of yourself much faster. There might be a different case scenario in such situations. Some might have kids together, some might work together, some might be staying together in the same home, or some might have legal issues after their breakup. In those scenarios, you just need to focus on your core priorities and personal well-being instead of engaging in any deep conversation or intimate relationship. If you have kids together, you have to set some healthy boundaries while taking care of your kids together. You need to be very specific in such situations and never allow your ex to engage you in any kind of deep conversation, flirting behavior, or physically intimate behavior. Never engage in a lengthy conversation, making excuses for your kids your professional work, legal court issues, or anything else during the healing process. If you work together or live together, just be specific and professional instead of being emotional. You can’t heal your wounded self or let go of your ex if you create mixed feelings during the healing process. 2. Meditate every day to create positive harmony among your mind, body, and soul. When you get mentally and emotionally occupied by your ex, it influences your thoughts, emotions, decisions, and actions, which forms a pattern in your life. Meditation is an inward spiritual journey that can help you align with your eternal self, which is the source of positive energy, healing energy, and infinite wisdom. When you practice meditation on a regular basis, you can be a soul-driven person who gains mastery over the storms of negative emotions, negative thought chattering, and negative energy with ease. When you become disciplined in practicing it, you can connect with your spiritual self, which can guide you through your intuition to heal your wounded self much faster. You can harmonize your mind, body, and soul in a positive manner once you practice meditation on a daily basis in a quiet location. You must practice a simple meditation technique, which is a breathing technique, for at least 15 to 20 minutes twice a day (before you go to sleep and once you wake up in the morning). 3. Create a vision board focusing on your healing goals. The vision board is a physical representation of your dream goals that you desire to experience in your physical reality. The vision board will help you stay focused on your healing process despite the emotional storms and negative memories caused by your emotionally devastating breakup. This is the most powerful way to program your subconscious mind, which is negatively conditioned due to your emotionally devastating breakup. You must design your vision board in a creative way that reflects your core intentions or desires, which are to heal your wounded self and let go of your ex. Healing your emotional wound should be your first priority, and once you heal your wounded self, you can be a living magnet to attract the destined version of your life sooner or later. Action steps: Snap your smiling picture and stick it on your vision board. Script your healing goals to stick on your vision board. Write down positive, self-empowering, and uplifting statements on a piece of paper to stick on your vision board. The images, positive words, and positive statements should be very compelling to program your subconscious mind in a positive manner. Every word and statement should be written in a manifested form in the present tense. A few examples are given below: "I am emotionally healed, and I am living a happy and vibrant life." "I love myself, accept myself, and respect myself for who I am." "I let go of my negative past experiences, being grateful." "I am happy and enjoying my own company." "I am experiencing a happy and self-fulfilled life." 4. Practice visualization and positive affirmation techniques to program your subconscious mind. Once you create your vision board with positive images and positive statements, it’s time to take action on it. Visualization and positive affirmation techniques are the best techniques for programming your subconscious mind, which is negatively conditioned due to your breakup experience. Whenever you visualize yourself seeing your vision board, feel everything in its manifested form in advance without being judgmental. You must internalize every word, statement, and picture in a manifested form emotionally—then you can heal yourself and discover your self-identity faster. Your subconscious mind is like a miracle-creating powerhouse that must be positively programmed during the healing process. Your vivid visualization and positive affirmations will help you to explore your destined version of life in advance, which can help to reprogram your subconscious mind effectively. Never allow your negative, self-limiting beliefs to distract you while practicing these techniques. Action Step:- Visualization technique:- The visualization technique is a miracle-creating technique that utilizes the power of your imagination to manifest your healing goals into your physical experience. When you see your healing goal with your mind’s eye and visualize yourself being healed completely in a manifested form, then you can heal your wounded self much faster as per the law of attraction. You must visualize that you are already living a happy and vibrant life in advance by seeing your vision board on a regular basis, then you can attract this imaginary reality into your physical experience. You must practice the life-altering principle "fake it till you manifest it into your physical experience," then you can manifest your healing goals sooner or later. You can practice visualization by being alone in a quiet location on a regular basis for at least three to five times a day. You can practice visualization with open eyes and in a meditative state, too. The more powerful way to visualize your healing goal is through a meditative state, which can help you access your soul energy and connect with the Universe intelligence. You can snap your vision board into your cell phone so that you can practice visualization at the workplace during breakfast or lunchtime. You can create an audio version of your vision board by recording your own voice while chanting your healing goals from your vision board to listen while driving with a low volume instead of hearing songs. The best time to practice the visualization technique would be when you wake up in the morning and before you go to sleep at night. Positive Affirmation Technique: Positive affirmations help to convince your subconscious mind regarding your healing goal in a positive manner. Never allow your negative self-limiting beliefs or your negative self to distract you; rather, ignore them while practicing positive affirmations. You can gain mastery over your self-limiting beliefs if you keep practicing positive affirmations with strong conviction and confidence and internalize them emotionally on a regular basis in a disciplined manner. It can also help to raise your self-worth and self-confidence, and your perception of yourself will change in a positive manner. You can use the mirror technique, or you can practice by being in a quiet location for at least three to five times a day. The best time for practicing positive affirmations would be before you go to sleep at night and when you wake up in the morning. When you keep visualizing and affirming your vision board, you will start experiencing a huge positive shift in your mental and emotional state of well-being, slowly and gradually. 5. Love yourself, accept yourself, and appreciate yourself for who you are. When you treat yourself with love, respect, and appreciation, you can harmonize your thoughts, emotions, and actions in a positive manner. Your personal well-being does matter while healing the emotional wound caused by your emotionally devastating breakup. Never criticize yourself for your breakup experience; rather, express your gratitude for every lesson you learned from it. The majority of people are punishing themselves for their emotional issues caused by a breakup, which is the core reason to attract more emotional disaster in their lives. Your inner child is going through an emotional disaster that needs more love, respect, acceptance, forgiveness, and appreciation during the healing process. Once you treat yourself in a positive manner, you can heal your emotional wounds caused by an emotionally devastating breakup and move on with freedom and peace in your life with ease. 6. Focus on your positive growth-based activities on a regular basis. When you focus on your positive growth-based activities on a regular basis, there will be no room in your mind for your negative thoughts or memories related to your ex to get occupied. When you get occupied by positive growth-based activities, you can heal your wounded self and discover your self-identity faster. You must focus on your dream-relevant activities, like taking institutional or academic courses, attending seminars, and enrolling in courses that can alter your quality of life to a higher dimension. You must join a physical fitness club for your health transformation and go for a morning walk on a regular basis, which can change your perception of yourself. You should go to a place of worship as per your religious beliefs to experience inner peace. These positive growth-based activities will help to harmonize your thoughts, emotions, and actions in a positive manner. This approach can help one learn, grow, and evolve like a true human being. 7. Do what makes you feel happy and enjoy your own company on a regular basis. Your personal well-being is the first priority for healing your wounded self and letting go of your ex. You must do the things that can make you feel happy and vibrant on a regular basis and in a disciplined manner. Never criticize or belittle yourself; rather, treat yourself as the most precious person in your life. You must go on a vacation trip, eat your favorite food, buy new dresses for yourself, listen to the songs that touch your soul and engage you emotionally, and celebrate every moment by being in the present moment to its fullest. If you have free time, visit a beach and other naturally blessed locations where you can align with your eternal self. You must spend quality time with your best friends or relatives who can reflect your soul and understand you; it can help you heal your wounded self much faster. You must focus on yourself to keep yourself happy despite your emotional issues. Your positive vibes of happiness can demagnetize all the negative energy that is occupying you mentally and emotionally. Whatever the circumstances or emotional issues in your life, you just need to enjoy your own company in a grateful manner. When you start to enjoy your own company by being happy, vibrant, and grateful, it can help you let go of emotional hurt or your ex faster. You are a responsible person in your life who should care about your mental and emotional well-being without being judgmental. 8. Don’t rush into a new relationship instantly without healing your emotional wounds. When you experience an emotionally devastating breakup, it’s normal to feel lonely, empty, or alone, but that doesn’t mean you should jump into a new relationship instantly to bridge your emotional gap. You must focus on healing your wounded self without getting distracted by emotional storms during the healing process. If you engage with someone else privately during the healing process, you will never be able to heal your wounded self, nor will you be able to let go of your ex. You will attract a person who can take advantage of you, hurt you, betray you, and disappoint you even more when you work on a new relationship without healing yourself first. Besides this, once you engage with your ex in a "friends with benefits" type of relationship, you can't heal your wounded self or let go of your ex because it will create a huge blockage in your healing process and the manifestation process of your ideal partner. Never lose your mind while getting driven by your negative emotions while working on yourself to fix your emotional issues. The universe intelligence is always monitoring your thought vibrations, and you must be aware of this fact during the healing process. 9. Practice forgiveness rather than living with a revenge mindset. When you practice forgiveness for your breakup experiences while being grateful, you can let go of your emotional issues and your ex with ease. You’re entitled to make mistakes, and everyone does the same, but you must learn valuable lessons from your emotionally devastating breakup experience and use those lessons to improve the quality of your relationship life. Never punish yourself because of your breakup issues, and never focus on destroying the life of your ex with a revenge mindset. Once you stalk your ex on social media platforms or in real life to destroy their life, you won't be able to heal your emotional wound, nor can you let go of your ex for the rest of your life. You will get mentally and emotionally occupied by more negative thoughts and negative emotions if you live your life with a revenge mindset instead of forgiving yourself and your ex. You have to go through an intense level of emotional disaster in your life if you cultivate this negative attitude. 10. Feed your mind with positive and emotional healing-related books. Whenever you feed your mind with positive, motivational, spiritual, and healing-related books on a daily basis, your mind will be occupied by only positive thoughts and positive emotions. When you feed yourself only positive mental nutrition, it will help to demagnetize all the negative thoughts and emotions with ease. Your mind will have no space for the negative thoughts to chatter when you listen to positive growth-based and healing-related materials. You can heal your wounded self and discover the best version of yourself faster when you feed your mind positive mental growth-based materials on a regular basis. 11. Take help from a professional relationship coach for their right insights and guidance during the healing process. It will be your wise and mature decision to seek help from a professional relationship coach to fix your emotional issues and internal issues caused by an emotionally devastating breakup. Once you share your emotional issues and internal issues with a relationship coach, being honest, you will get their life-altering insights and guidance to master such issues, which can help you let go of your ex with ease. When you refer a relationship coach, you will be able to know thoroughly the category of your emotional wound because you might seek help from a therapist if you were in a narcissistic type of relationship. Never wait for a miracle to happen if you are going through an emotional disaster; rather, work on your healing process with a relevant relationship coach, or else you will have to go through an intense level of emotional disaster sooner or later if you take your existing situation casually. 12. Detach yourself from all the negative, toxic people and associate with only like-minded, positive people. You can't be able to heal the emotional wound caused by your breakup experience if you are surrounded by toxic people in your life. You have to detach yourself from all the toxic people who are poisoning your life, whether they are your family members, friends, or relatives. You are going through an emotional disaster, and you have to be very sensitive about the current state of your mental and emotional well-being. The majority of people love to interact with their friends who are going through similar breakups or divorces, which is creating a huge blockage in their healing process as well. Whatever you rehearse repeatedly and vividly on a daily basis becomes the reality of your life as per the law of attraction. You must associate with people who have a clear dream purpose and a positive attitude. Then, with their emotional support, encouragement, and positive guidance, you can learn, grow, and shine. When you associate with positive and generous people, they will feed you with love and help acquaint you with your hidden greatness, which can help you become the best version of yourself as well. You are the person responsible for designing your external environment, and then you can fix your internal issues with ease. 13. Make a gratitude list every day to be more magnetic. When you feel grateful for who you are, for what you have, and for what you do, you can become more magnetic and attract more of what you are grateful for, as per the law of attraction. You need to express your gratitude every day before you sleep by making gratitude lists. You just need to express your gratitude regarding everything you experience throughout the day, which can help raise your positive vibes to a higher frequency. In fact, a grateful attitude can connect you with the universe intelligence and lead to a huge positive transformation in your life. The attitude of gratitude has a higher level of healing energy to heal your wounded self as well. You must feel every word and statement emotionally while making gratitude lists, which can help you to channel with the universe intelligence. 14. Spend quality time alone with nature on a regular basis. When you spend quality time alone with nature on a regular basis, you can heal your emotional wounds and let go of your ex with ease. In fact, nature itself is the greatest source of healing energy and positive energy, which are the core essences for healing your emotional wounds and discovering the best version of yourself. You just need to visit any peaceful location where you can observe nature as it is and visualize your healing goals without focusing on the objects or people around you. This is the best technique to connect with the Universe intelligence and cleanse your negative energy completely. 15. Do some random acts of kindness to fill yourself with love and compassion. When you share what you have with others, you can attract more of it abundantly as per the law of attraction. You can attract more positive energy once you spread the light of love and compassion in others’ lives without any expectation of getting something in return from them. You can help charities or people who are in desperate need of food, money, or love and compassion. This kind of activity can give you inner peace, and you can attract more positive energy, which can help to heal your emotional wounds much faster. When you practice this technique by being honest and trusting the manifesting process in the light of your self-belief, you can master your emotional issues with ease. Once you heal your emotional trauma, you can be so magnetic that you radiate positive vibes, which can help you let go of your ex and move on in life as your authentic self. 16. Focus on the advantages of letting go of your ex and moving on. When you live with the emotional trauma caused by your breakup, it can damage all areas of your life, and you can't be in a situation to manifest your destined version of an ideal partner or soulmate for a lifetime. When you get occupied by your ex, it can create a huge blockage in your healing process and the manifestation process of your ideal partner at the same time. Once you focus on letting go of your ex and moving on with the right level of awareness, you can be so magnetic to attract the destined version of your life as a whole. You can experience a purposeful and self-fulfilling life once you are able to let go of your emotional issues. Besides this, you can be in a perfect situation to work on your new relationship and move on with peace and freedom after letting go of your ex from your life. Note: Emotional healing and letting go of your ex after an emotionally devastating breakup is not an overnight process; rather, it will take some time to heal your wounded self, let go of your ex, discover the best version of yourself, and move on with freedom and peace. So you have to practice these steps in a committed and disciplined manner until you get completely healed. Coaching Program Available: Breakup Mastery- 3 Month Coaching Program. Breakup Mastery- 1 Month Coaching Program.
3/4/2023 11:42:43 pm
I read it n love this . Can you please send me more about this or just living a happy healthy lifestyle.
Haxael Garcia
3/8/2023 03:03:24 pm
2/22/2024 01:25:23 am
Thanks God Bless! Thank you again, Great work………
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